Accreditation opportunities
Broadening Horizons is part of the Micro-credentialling steering group for the micro-credentialling pilot run by the Assessment and Research Centre through the University of Melbourne. The pilot is designing, trialling and testing a micro-credentialling framework at the local level with the view to introducing a formal skills accreditation system in the education and industry sectors. The pilot offers Broadening Horizons partnerships the opportunity to test assessment frameworks on the development of critical problem solving and communication skills. Broadening Horizons will also be involved in trialling the assessment framework within the schools that are part of Broadening Horizons. The long term vision is that educators and students will be able to receive accreditation for the development of enterprise skills.
Broadening Horizons is in the process of developing a MOU with GippyAg whose organisation aims to support beeter connectivity between Gippsland’s agrifood and the eduction sectors through collaboration, innovation and to drive mutually beneficial outcomes for students, industry and educators. Through resource support from Central Queensland University teachers from Broadening Horizons schools have the opportunity to learn about agrifood technologies and create learning modules for students that foster innovation and entreprenuerialship within the context of agrifood technologies.